Tempe turned out to have the efficacy of soy may help protect the skin while treating the human body from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.
Exposure intensity and tempe benefits which have been the lower classes of society dishes delivered Siti Maryam while defending his dissertation in the Doctoral Program of Medical Science Study Pascsarjana Udayana University (Udayana University).
Society has been familiar with tempeh because it has a content of protein and vitamin E levels are high. Thanks to his diligence study the populist side dishes, has been delivering Education University chemistry professor Ganesha (Undiksha) was reached for doctorate at the Udayana University with honors.
In open court at Udayana University Graduate Building, Maryam defending his dissertation which deals around Tempe in front of the board of examiners. In his dissertation, the results of his research he concluded that soy tempeh can increase total blood antioxidant.
"Tempe is also able to reduce levels of 8-hydroxy-2-deoksiguansin urine and reduce tissue damage that radiated ultraviolet light," he explained on Campus, Udayana University, Denpasar, on Tuesday (05/04/2011).
In their research, the Mary mengujicobakan kasiat tempeh in wistar rats.
Mary further explained that exposure to ultraviolet radiation is very often experienced by people, especially during this time, where the mobility of people requires a lot of activity outside the home.
Therefore, if people want to treat the skin from ultraviolet radiation damage, Maryan advised to eat more often made from raw soybean tempeh.
Besides functioning can reduce tissue damage due to ultraviolet radiation, she continued, during the tempeh has a high protein content. Of course it is very useful for human health.
Side relatively affordable tempe hargaya society mostly because it is very inexpensive, but has important benefits for health.
Wife of Dr. Rizani it finally managed to snatch a doctorate to-52 at Udayana University Medical science programs, and doctoral degrees to 176 in Graduate Unud.
A study states that the thin wrinkles in women who consume foods that contain isoflavones from soy, such as tempeh, looked diminished. The volunteers ate aglycone, which is equivalent to 3 ounces of tempeh a day for 12 weeks. Bonus again, by adding tempeh in your diet daily can reduce the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, diabetes, also prevent the growth of seedlings of breast cancer. Try to eat edamame beans, tempeh, tofu, to replace red meat or poultry.
Not only food tempe useful for healthy skin, here are some foods that also made an enormous contribution to the skin:
One cup of strawberries contains vitamin C is very large. Strawberries are a source of antioxidants that can boost the production of collagen fibers that can keep skin smooth and supple. More and more vitamin C could also mean reduced fine lines. Women who lack the intake of antioxidants is likely to have dry skin and tend to be wrinkled. The study also said that the content of ellagic acid, antioxidants that are very much in the strawberries will keep the skin elastic fibers prevent sag. Plus, strawberries reduce cancer risk by opposing the development of cancer cells.
Substance called quercetin, an antioxidant that is on many varieties of apples to give good protection to prevent the effect of "burning" due to UVB rays that can trigger skin cancer. In place of residence such as Indonesia, you will often exposed to sunlight, so try to eat apples in the morning (of course do not forget to use sunscreen as well). Eating 2 apples or more a week for a year can reduce the risk of heart disease by 15 percent. This is the result of a study of 34,000 women who entered menopause. Whatever the apple varieties you choose, do not forget to eat the skin because that's where the main source of antioxidants in apples. However, because many companies use the substance apple pesticide, it is advisable to eat organic apples are free of substances harmful to health.
Two antioxidants found in eggs, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, provide many-fold protection against UV rays that can cause fine lines, dark spots, and skin cancer. Thanks to both of these substances too, could be more visible skin soft, supple, and hydrated. Lebihnya again, eating one egg per day significantly increased the level of lutein and zeaxanthin in the blood (not cholesterol). That is, can prevent damage by protecting the retina from light damage, as described in the Journal of Nutrition.
Extra-virgin olive oil
Reported by the Lancet Oncology, healthy fats in extra-virgin olive oil contains a series of essential fatty acids that help the skin against damage caused by ultraviolet light. Essential fatty acids are also part of the cell membrane that helps keep skin moist. The body can not create the essential fatty acids. Therefore, try to consume 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day to maintain skin elasticity. Other bonuses, a recent study says that the component in olive oil, hydroxytyrosol, can lower cholesterol and help prevent obesity and diabetes with a burning energy in the center of the cell body. Using olive oil to prepare food can also help make the stomach full longer, prevents you from snacking too much.
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